I do absolutely love all this blogging stuff. It's like another world! I love reading and looking at other people's blogs, and have neglected mine. However, I am going to try to get back on mine and keep it "up to date"... meaning not waiting to blog about something every 6 months. So sad :-(
A lot of things have happened since my last post. My sweet husband has finely completed his Masters of Arts in Theological Studies from Liberty University's online program. Seriously people, I didn't know how much more I could take of books on the table and a moody husband from the lack of sleep because of papers and reading. We are both in great relief and are super stoked that we made it through.
We have had some tough decision to make in all of this. Where do we want to buy a house? When will that be? What about children? What do I want to do? Should we stay in Florida? Decisions are hard especially when it makes me a little uncomfortable. God has really taken care of us and I still am trusting Him too. I just pray we don't get hasty and do something we 'think' is what is best and 'most logical'. Patience is a virtue and I need to do just that, have a little patience. I've always been a planner and like to know what's going on, but I know God knows that and if I knew all he had in store for Chadwick and I... it might scare the mess out of me.
All time favorite verse is
5Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths ~ Proverbs 3:5-6
6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths ~ Proverbs 3:5-6
Lord help me clinge to YOU!